Event shows community is hungry to help local students with college scholarships.
Organizers of the 20th annual Winemakers’ Cookoff are pleased to call this year’s event a huge success. The Cookoff, held on August 11th at the Paso Robles Event Center, drew a record 1300 people–making this the highest grossing, and most attended Cookoff, in its 20 year history.
“This community really came out for our local students,” says Rotary Cookoff Committee Chair, Sharon Ross. “It’s clear the support is out there.”
Ross attributes the event’s success to a number of factors: the dedication of the Paso Robles Rotary Club and Title Sponsor Stifel Financial, the participation of nearly three dozen wineries and breweries who donated their time and their culinary talents to the Cookoff, and of course, the hundreds of people who purchased tickets to attend the festive (and competitive!) event.
“The night was perfect!” says Ross. “The weather was great, our wineries and breweries we were able to showcase the best of Paso Robles, and everyone there had a great time. A little fun competition, a lot of food and wine…and beer! We couldn’t be happier with the results!”
The annual Winemakers’ Cookoff allows the Rotary Club to contribute funds for local high school scholarships. This year, the club will contribute another $65,000 to the Harlow Ford Scholarship Fund. Each year, the club’s continuing support has made it the largest single scholarship donor at Paso Robles High School.

2018 Winners!
Peoples’ Choice: 1. Diablo Paso 2. Rio Seco 3. Calcareous Honorable mention: – Derby Brewery: Firestone Judge’s Award: 1. Tooth & Nail 2. Calcareous 3. Eberle Honorable mention: – Peachy Canyon Professional Category: 1. Diablo Paso with Jeffrey’s Wine Country BBQ 2. Derby Wine Estates with Chef Luis Ruiz of Chulos Cafe 3. Rio Seco Winery with The Sausage & The Clam catering Honorable mention: Earth & Fire Brewery with Pappy McGregor’s Spirit Award: 1. Derby 2. Justin 3. Pear Valley

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